Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What about Jesus Christ matters most to me?

       At this Christmas season I know some of my friends wonder why I feel a deep respect and gratitude to Jesus Christ.  I hope that sharing my feelings will promote understanding among those who don't share my faith in him, and will resonate with those who do. 

The teachings of Jesus Christ give direction to my life. He instructs me to do the things that bring peace of mind: things that I am not naturally inclined to do, but that make the difference between a happy and unhappy life. 
Many of these have to do with relationships. They including forgiving others for perceived and real offenses, and quickly addressing and resolving interpersonal problems.  
Jesus Christ invites me to help my fellow travelers on life's trail. Although I don't always live up to His teaching, He invites me to be more outgoing and interested in the those around me, and to do what I can to make their lives better. He has taught me to believe in people, and their great potential for goodness.  He asks me to live a life of integrity and honesty, to ask for help when I need it, and to make regular course corrections when I make mistakes.
He has taught me to treasure my family, and live so that our family relationships will continue beyond the grave, and be eternal.  All this has given a lot of direction to my life. I am grateful that He taught that in certain aspects of living there is a right way, and that He is the embodiment of it. He said He was sent to show us what kind of person God our Heavenly Father is; the kind of person we are destined to become, with the help of His grace. To have His example of how to live makes a big difference for me. I NEED that direction in my life.
I rely on the meaning in my life that comes from being engaged in a cause like His. It is the greatest cause I know: to save and lift the Human family of all generations, with love as the motive. It respects people's autonomy and freedom to choose. It respects all the good that they have accumulated through our different cultures, scientific study, and life experiences. It invites us to bring all the good that we have and let Him add to it, and put it all in an eternal context.
His cause is to reach and bless mankind, including all the generations past and future. 
How he could reach all generations who passed without a knowledge of a Savior is a great question that I'd love to discuss with you sometime.  To be involved in a movement like His provides great  motivation.
Correction and Change
I'm grateful for personalized discipline and occasional rebukes from Him, which show me that He believes in me and loves me enough to work with me to become better. These are things communicated to my spirit by His Spirit, when I spend time considering His teachings and looking at my life compared to his standards. I am deeply grateful for the power to repent and change and be forgiven.  I believe that opportunity was made possibly only by great personal cost to Him, when he paid the price of my sins, and all humanity. I have felt the peace of forgiveness for past mistakes, small and serious. 
I have felt His willingness to forgive, and that He believes I can become a better person.  I have seen His power to change the hearts of people, including my own.
Answered Prayers
Jesus Christ taught us how to pray to our Heavenly Father. 
I am grateful for answered prayers, especially on behalf of those that I love. When our twins were born prematurely at just over 1 pound each, some of the best doctors in our city did procedures to save their lives, which they told me they had never seen succeed in saving the lives of a child under the given conditions.  This has been the most dramatic of a long line of answered prayers in my life.   I have come to know that my Father hears and answers my prayers. I owe Him an eternal debt of gratitude.

Inspiring People
I believe that He has organized this life in a way that I come in contact with inspiring people, that show me how to put His teachings into practice in my life.  I am grateful for His restored church, for Prophets and Apostles, inspiring parents, siblings, and many others who have imprinted my life for good. Having imperfect people show how to walk His path, has given me hope that I can do it too.
The Best is Yet to Come. 
I am grateful for a hope that the best is yet to come. He has great things in store for you and me. "In the world you shall have tribulations," He said, "but be of good cheer."  Jesus Christ is the High priest of good things to come. He invites us all to come to Him, learn about Him, benefit from the peace and direction and meaning that comes by following Him. I hope that we will see these truths with our hearts, and benefit through Jesus Christ throughout our lives.
